
crg e drenaline electric kart

Electric karts are gaining market shares recording double-digit increases every year in the Rental sector. Censoring the data worldwide is very complicated, due to the different specifications of each individual market and it is worth saying that this growth is defined by analysts as “patchy”, precisely because it is subject to certain conditions that make […]

CRG rental premium selection

For more than 5 years CRG has been managing a commercial program dedicated to its second-hand Rental karts called “Premium Selection”. These are fleets which are taken as a trade-in, in the event of new sales and then put back on the market, after a thorough technical check-up, by offering very advantageous prices. This program […]

24 hours karting of italy 2022

The prestigious Endurance Karting event promoted by CRG will be back in 2022 and will take place on 26th and 27th March, on the Italian racetrack in Adria. After the limitations due to Covid this year, the organizers were convinced to move this event to June, but the 5th edition of the karting marathon that […]

crg mini centurion

Like all entities that offer services to the public, even the tracks that manage Rental Karts must identify the various target customers to whom they are addressed. We know that in the adult segment and in any case over 13-15 years old, there are two large groups of customers: those who come to the track […]

Karting is a fun-filled discipline for more than 75 million people every year around the world. The majority of users practice this sport at the Rental tracks, which means without buying a go-kart, but using the Rental karting and event organization services, managed by the thousands of outdoor and indoor tracks, located in every continent. […]

The majority of Rental track managers have started their business by taking over an existing facility, or by inheriting the track and the work from their parents. However, every year hundreds of new structures are built around the world, projects that start from a completely blank sheet and that are born according to the budget […]

Although many outdoor tracks work with Rental karts all year round, many others have a peak of activity in summer time and during autumn and winter they can plan what will be their next season. More or less the same process, but with reversed seasons, applies to indoor tracks which have their peak of activity […]

In-depth market analysis conducted on a sample of over 150 international rental track managers, have shown some of the priorities they look for when talking about a rental kart. First of all, it should be pointed out that karting is the main tool on which track managers build their business and therefore it can be […]

When talking about technical products quality indicates the ability of the product itself to satisfy the consumer’s expectations regarding a determined and specific use. If you are referring to a rental kart, the conventional parameters to measure the quality of the product are the duration and the reliability of each technical component, depending on the […]

The CRG rental chassis line, both with 4-stroke karts and with electric ones, continues to grow in terms of market share. These positive data for the first half of the year, despite the effects of the pandemic that have affected the entire karting sector in the last 48 months, are achieved by focusing on three […]